Your toolkit for when you can't break your anxiety loop & feel your panic building…

free yourself from anxiety


alchemize your anxiety hypnosis

a quick 12-minute HYPNOSIS to help you deepen into your person peace. listen to when you need to release yourself from a certain situation that is causing you anxiety.


Based on a deep healing caitlin divinely received herself that freed her from chronic stress.


Energy healing

Rebalance your stomach and spleen (what anxiety affects most) after prolonged anxiety.


This 2-minute energy healing will immediately kickstart your body into self-healing.


SElf Love Subliminal

Beautiful 30-minute subliminal track hidden under 432hz music.


Play it on repeat for yourself or everyone to hear, and It will start to release the anxiety from your body and allow you to envelop into stillness and calmness.


(Subliminals are affirmations hidden in music to help you rewire your brain to a more positive frequency at warp speed!)


This one is specifically around releasing anxiety and refueling with serenity.

Have your emotions been feeling messy… unpredictable… even debilitating?

I get it. 


From having a 2-month old baby go into heart-surgery, and another baby having to stay in the NICU for 10 weeks, complete burnout in my business, I've had my fair share of feeling like my life and emotions were completely out of control.


I couldn't make big decisions about ANYTHING… I stopped sleeping… and my cortisol spike big time which so lovingly gifted me with chronic headaches, missing periods, and 35 pounds of stubborn weight.


You might already know this from experience, but chronic anxiety will wreak havoc on your health if you don't manage it.


When you have anxiety, your body goes into survival mode, and when it's in survival mode, it turns off creative mode and thrive mode!


Ready to pull yourself out of the web of emotions that have been making it feel like you're running in circles through thick, muddy quicksand?


Come up for air, and let yourself breathe and release…

Get it now for $33 for a limited time

special offer



Expect this

THE ABILITY TO face your anxiety-inducing situation head on with a sense of calm collectiveness.

You'll be able to tap into the feeling from our hypnosis at any point in time!


…Even when you're passed deadline, your in-laws showed up for a week vacation unannounced, and you have a must-attend social engagement you've been dreading.

ALCHEMIZE YOUR ANXIETY INTO CALmness, peace, and serenity.

By listening to the subliminals and connecting with the healing transmission, you'll start to transmute erratic and dense energy into safety and stillness.


This alone will change your life and health!!

feel safe in your body and empowered to make big decisions.

When we are stressed, our decision-making ability and creativity shuts down.


When we feel safe and expanded, we are better humans, CEOs, and moms…

…this then shows up in how we parent, birth new ideas into manifestations, and in our pure joy!

Extra bonus!

Emotion Code is a healing modality that releases the stuck emotions in your body that have been causing physical ailments, imbalances, or “stuckness.” 


By simply purchasing the bundle, you will immediately download the healing into your body as it has been intentionally chorded with this bundle.

free YOURSELF from anxiety